Friday, January 27, 2012

Imperial Decree #5

It is the order of His Majesty O’Neal I that:

1. The 112th United States Congress be immediately dissolved.

2. All members thereof be stripped of all retirement and health benefits.

3. Each State shall select at random; one person from the State Bar, and one person from the State University system, to serve on a special reform council.

4. The Reform Council shall be empowered to draft new rules under which future elections and legislative bodies will be governed.

Imperial Opinion:
There is no wisdom I can provide on this issue that is not already apparent. The actions of congress speak for themselves, and the conversation is of incompetence and corruption. Declaring pizza a vegetable, attempting to pass legislation unread and uncomprehended, actively working against the wishes of the people. These and other actions have been met with nothing but dissatisfaction and disapproval by the citizenry. However, instead of taking heed to the people’s wishes, congress has continued, headlong, with transforming itself into nothing more than a platform for corporate rent seeking.

Therefore, let the legislature be dissolved, let the rules be amended to curtail corruption in the future, and let a new congress be formed.

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