1. Abortion be hereby declared "not real". Any mention thereof is to be considered a product of the listener's imagination and no cause for alarm or disruption of comfortable lifestyles or religious habits.
2. Any inherent moral obligations to mitigate, or otherwise acknowledge the suffering of others, or to understand and empathize with differing beliefs is likewise removed.
Imperial Opinion:
A good emperor gives the people what they want. With this particular issue, it appears that the desire of the people is to not take action. It is the desire of the people to not do
hard, unpleasant work, and to not work together with those of different
backgrounds or beliefs in order to actually resolve the underlying issues surrounding abortion. So be it. If the people want to pretend that the problem has been
solved, they may now consider their wish granted. However, in the absence of the hard,
collective, cooperative action needed to make it so, their desires are just that: a wish.